Poles do not export a ton of stuff abroad, we, as a country, are not rich in mineral resources, nor huge on production of anything in particular, yes, agreed: in times of communism, we were the first country in Europe in coal mining... but those times are over, the sooner everyone in Poland realizes that the better for the future of all-other-than-mining industries... but I digress, what I really wanted to say is that we are ahead of the curb "delivering beauty" to the rest of the world... we just have so manyyyyyy good looking girls, yes, yes, yes I do think that our relatively-small country has a big natural resource here, in the pretty girl category, nobody can argue that, our models have been gaining a renowned recognition around the globe... however, after the end of the super-model area of the 90', we did have to wait for another polish face to appear -literally everywhere - but once she came, it is literally everywhere, you name it, America, Europe even Asia, labels like Dior, Louis vitton, Chloe and many more - ALL biggest names and labels love her!!! she came, and her name is anja, just like me, so today I say: go Anja, be everywhere because you are awesome & polish!
Of course, there would not be a super model if she was not EVERYWHERE during New York fashion week:a whole slide show of what she bore/wore here
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