I don' t want to start my newest post with: Didn't I tell you so?... but guess what dear readers, this warm, pastel pink, this pretty subtle shade of creaminess of pink beauty is ALL OVER THE PLACE, EVERYWHERE, OMG, ALL OVER... did you notice? I did and felt somewhat satisfied that I felt the magnetic attraction to it back over the Valentine Day's and now it is officially "a spring is in" color! I felt like a real fashion pro. Anyway, not waiting a minute longer I pulled out this shirt that is like a decade-old and rock it with some white tank top lace and a beige sweater (it is still a little chilly in Chicago, can not go spring-spring quite yet). I think subtle-ness of this color goes well best with colors that are subtle, thus my color choice was beige, whites are recommended, also I have seen good pairings with pastel shades of blue and green too, also as always we have black, it will always work, however, as often I would recommend it primarily for an evening look...
Funny story - may explain this awkward and weird title of my post:
C, the pie-maker I married, brought to my attention that here a color that is salmon is hot pink and that probably refers to uncooked salmon meat that is pretty vivid, almost purple if a fish is a tid bit old - yuk...yuk yuk, we Poles do not think of rare food, especially when we think about color comparisons, thus we refer to a salmon color that is exactly that, this pastel, soft, cream pinkish color that I love above, which resembles a deliciously simmered, juicy and ready to eat chunk of fish! I think in this cultural difference battle, pie-maker has to acknowledge our sophistication. The last thing to reveal today is that I have a silly tendency to confuse salmon and Salomon (the king, right?) when typing, not to mention when talking, as I often times mispronounce both... why they must be so hard to say? a good noble wise king and a tasty fish? I dont know...
tank-top: Vero Moda
shirt: H&M
pants: Urban Outfitters
cardigan: Forever21
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