My outfit here is build around fashion "recycling", none of the pieces included here are particularly dear nor precious to me, often times I am not sure how to wear them and when, I bet each one of us has some adored pieced that could be worn all the time, and then some pieces we objectively like, because they are cute and nothing is "really" wrong with them, but they just don't attract our hands to be taken out of the closet, some mysterious feature, isn't it, like there was some reversed magnetism in them. Anyhow, one day, I finally decided to put some of them all together and did not hate the outcome, the recipe was simple, again, blending in a simple basic color with some extravagance in colors and tones. I also like two trends here that I managed to capture, jacket plus a scarf and hair pined up high, I am loving this look, I think it adds a youthful spin into anybody's style, especially a way to go to those older, chic ladies, that look so perfect - one may wonder if they star in a soap opera playing somebody's rich disproving mother, I love seeing their hair pinned up with big&thick scarves around their necks and a lot of chunky jewelry too.. okay this observation is a little weird, I don't want to weird you out, anyhow the second trend is wearing flat, minimalistic sandals with wide capris, you will not shorten your legs dramatically and show a little bit more of your cute feet and maybe possibly - strongly encouraged - cute pedi :) whereas wearing flats with such outfit could cut you short, way short, I would say a couple inches for sure, who would want to look like a midget-legged troll? nobody, nobody I say! and I, proudly admit that I managed not to feel like that :) and for now I am keeping the clothes, I am like a pack rat, can not part with anything, does anybody have any good ideas how to get more excited about clothes that are just not to exciting anymore...?
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