So... there was a time when I remember myself thinking that fur (and that being real and its fake equivalents) was just ugly, pure gross, nasty, foul, stupid and stinky, I presented a - why would anybody want to wear it? - kind of attitude, even though my mom owned one or two, and all my aunts did too, I remember they did smell, smelled like naphthalene, an interesting chemical thingy used to prevent moths from shredding furs and other wearable goods to pieces in those huge dark wooden closets... oh, dear memories... so what I am saying is that it has been a while since fur was "IN", I think more than a decade... NOW, time for yet another digression: Lets stress that fur was probably last seen by broad audiences on TV while airing episodes of my beloved Dynasty - OMG! does anybody know how to get a DVD or something, it was an epic series in the entire eastern block, Warsaw traffic safety officials noted decreased traffic activity - the country would literally stop and watch! There was one more alike series that my mom made me watch, cant think of the title, it was happening in Texas and for some reason all women, all the time would wear fur jackets, I guess my naive nature prevented me from asking "why would you need a fur coat everywhere you go in freakin TEXAS?" but I never did ask, so it does not matter now, wait, wait, wait, I think the title was "Dallas", have anybody watched it?!!! either way, let me tell you, not as cool nor graoundbreaking as Dynsty, hahahaha....
Anyhow, fur disappeared from the mainstream fashion for a while (except occasional rap... or hip hop videos and some occasional red carpets weirdos' appearances) and I never missed it, but now, this winter/spring season and even a little bit the last one, I started spotting furry things, cripping out everywhere, thus I strated craving one... I mean not real fur, that still seems wrong on many levels, but just something fur-like, fuzzy and warm and cozy and sassy and cute and a little fierce and bitchy, yes, yes dear readers, all this comes with owning a little something-fur-like. So... recently, I became an owner of one furry, fuzzy vest, I love it, it is warm and cute, since it is a vest, as I just said, it can go with many outfits without overpowering any look.
The above pics were taken back in March and it was my fur premiere that is why I paired it safely with a black turtle-neck dress, then I decided I may look a little too conservative so I went crazy with the pink tights... about cool, colorful tights I think I wrote somewhere down below, so I wont stress the importance of owning some cool tights any more.
I only have a couple older, colder spring applicable outfits to come and then I am yet current with almost summer like looks as it warmed up in Chicago recently, almost too good to be true....so maybe those will become relevant again...
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