So I took some pictures way back, back, back in March (it is April, March feels like ancient history)... yes, yes it does. Sooo... now I really need to get back into some serious blogging and use them all before the warmth spills over Chicago for good and such outfits, like the one above, will no longer be relevant in any imaginable way, here in Chicago as soon as it passes 65F people forget about the hell of winter and live like it never existed... till October, sadly, as the mean biatch always comes back.... Anyhow, the centerpiece of above photographed outfit, well, it is the jacket, I dwell on my love affair with jackets in previous posts, so I won't repeat myself twice, I have been eyeballing boyfriend jackets with flip-sleeves for a long time now and I could not wait til I finally get my hands on one or a million.... yes A million, exactly, as this trend hits one of those spots for me (digression: trends come and go like winter in Chicago, some of them I like because "it is in" and appears to be super cool at the moment, but I don't feel any connection to it, it is not "mine", then on the other hand, there are trends that once spotted you can not forget about and you find yourself thinking "I have been looking for something like this my whole life or at least half of it. OR: I waited for this to be finally hip so can be sold in stores, my idea finally materialized! HALLELUJAH! this shopping-hunt-for-something-not-sure-what-exactly feeling that we all shopaholics feel way too often is finally fulfilled...). end of digression. That, that is me with boyfriend jackets, and as of today I believe I have three already, wait for it and you shall see more, as I am planning to use my boyfriend jackets as cover-ups for all those summery tops and dresses that I WILL get to wear soon, although today's Chicago temperatures are not making this thought easy nor obvious. Au revoir soon my dear readers, I promise, soon!
Boyfriend Jacket - Nordstorm Rack
Skinny Pants - Old Navy
Polo shirt - Ralph Lauren
Belt- Urban Outfitters
Booties - Amazon, Amazon, Amazon!
I love this outfit!