Saturday, April 10, 2010

Let Spring be Spring

Dressed in Spring

So, it is time for the following feature straight from my lalalalala imagination land/what my heart desires series via Polyvorewheeew that was a long opening :)>
Spring is here everyone in case you did not notice, supposedly, depending where and when one is located, but generally speaking should be hitting its almost summer-like time, hopefully... it is time to ditch those trenches and show off some body, or wardrobe for the matter... I don't like seeing all those so anxious girls, so anxious and impatient putting on their most cleavage-showing summer dressers and flip flops and all other obviously summer beach-ready ensemble, "what are you going to wear when the weather hits 100F?" , anyhow, spring is spring, lets keep it at that, lets keep it what it is! fresh, light, feminine, etheric... and one can be still springy and a little more heat resistant, just look at the outfit above, so fresh so SPRINGY... it consists of two big hits this spring/summer season and two classic ones:
First, jean is back baby, wear jean fabric from top to bottom and nobody will say a bad word, jean is coming back and i like it, I missed my jean jacket to pair with dresses, because for a while it stopped being as cool as lets say 10 years ago...
Second, oxfords and the rest of the English schoolboy style, big big hit, Chloe, Channel and other big names are sporting this look at their high end photo shoots, but also a lot of main street retailers pushes the trend, so don't delay ladies, get yourselves some oxfords and wear them with skinny pants, harem pants, and all kinds of dresses and skirts! I love the cute girl/boyish clash!
Finally, the spoken classics, white linen, no extra words necessary here... and brown accessories instead of black, no more black purses and belts, those get plenty of use in the winter. I love the big baaag, it is to die for in this brown color, yummy!!!!

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